Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to care for normal skin

You might feel blessed to have the normal skin type, but do not make the mistake that many women do thinking that since your skin is normal, you do not need to care for it. What kind of care does your normal skin need? Read on to find out.
General care
If your skin is stable, scrub it once a month with an exfoliating gel or lotion. If it dries out, then use moisturizing lotions and solutions. Do not try to remove your own pimples or zits.
Massage your skin with lotion or hydrating solution  keeping in mind the right directions for face massage. Apply moisturizing or nourishing cream-mask which does not dry out and lie down for 20 minutes or as long as the instructions of the mask require. Rinse and apply hydrating solution. If you wipe the mask with a tissue instead of rinsing it, its remnants will act as a night cream.
Daily care
This skin type needs to be maintained on a daily basis same as the others. In the mornings, clean and refresh your face with a mild tonic lotion. Wait until it dries and apply hydrating solution. This solution should be equally suitable for day and night use. Apply some of it around the eyes too and finish off with your usual makeup.
In the evenings remove your makeup with special makeup removal lotion or gel. Do not use soap for washing. When your face is thoroughly cleansed of all makeup, apply your hydrating solution.
Other advice
  • Do not use alcohol containing cosmetics.
  • Do not use hard soaps.
  • Pay attention to your upper skin layer and consult a dermatologist if its condition changes.

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